Connecting the DOTS™
to Vibrant Health
A 10-Week Online Course
What is NeuroBiology Reprogramming™?
To watch trailer click the picture
To read more about NBR™ click here
MODULE 1 - Emergency Rescue 101
Disrupting the stress input to your cells
Introduction to modern mindfulness with I.P.A. (beginners to intermediate)
Adapting your own tailor-made practice to suit your daily rhythm
MODULE 2 - Anchoring life-force
Identifying your daily habits & sources of stress - coping mechanisms
Setting yourself free from the mental-emotional merry go-around
Accessing the healing information in every breath you take
MODULE 3 - Initiate Contact with the Inner Physician
Anchoring your practice - Unplugging usual emotional response
Changing habitual mental patterns
Clearing the ground for healing or more energy
MODULE 4 - Accessing Constant Healing Flow
Alkalizing your body-mind
Reclaiming pieces of you lost in the past and future to create a better now
Letting yourself off-the-hook and learning to care for self
Each module includes:
Theory - To create new neural pathways & open the way for solid change
Experience, exercises & guided meditation - To transmute mental understanding into experiential, cellular absorption
Materials to keep and revisit at your own leisure - lifetime replay
Homework (Optional) I highly recommend that you keep a journal so you can track your own progress & keep acknowledging your efforts & progress
MODULE 5 - YOU: The User's Manual
Harnessing the power of your mind to serve you - no longer be at its mercy
Identifying and neutralizing health-bankrupting beliefs
Download the clearing system for mental programming
MODULE 6 - Increasing Healing / Energizing Flow
Anchoring your mind power - Connecting the DOTS™ to your inner family
Taking and inventory of your expected hereditary lineage
Changing your mental imprint & choosing your prognosis
MODULE 7- Living in Trust & Inspiration
The marriage between mind and matter - beliefs and your physical body - Epigenetics
Healing the internal divide & your contribution to the Field of energy all around you (including children, grand-children, parents, siblings and friends)
Heart and mind coherence - Emotional Independence - Resilience - Freedom
MODULE 8 - Body Intelligence & MOJO Blast
Heart coherence (continued) - The new prayer
Identifying your emotional default setting
Developing gut feeling & inner trust - Tuning into your Inner Physician / Guide / Teacher to receive timely information
MODULE 9 - Preventative Awareness
Alkaline food, recipes, oils and detox baths
Secrets of longevity (studied from people all around the world)
Review of your full mind-emotion-body mechanisms
MODULE 10 - MY GIFT TO YOU - Your clearing (only done for groups)
This is the part where you will write in with what you would like cleared, and receive a group clearing.
This 10-Module Course (lifelong replay) is available for purchase online now.
Course investment €499.00 (Lifelong replay)
Email for
This is a stand-alone course, or it can be taken as part of the Mentorship
Please reach out to ask any questions or discuss the suitability of these materials, I am right here!
F A Q s
Q: Can I be guaranteed a healing of my condition using NBR™ ?
A: Whether you get treated in mainstream, using allopathic medicine or choose to help yourself with natural medicine and healing, there are no guarantees so I won't give you any false promises. However, and in my experience, if you learn to connect to your source of inner healing, in connection with lifeforce / Natural Intelligence, there is no end of the possible miracles that can take place!
Q: Are there any side effects of using NBR™ ?
A: Yes, the most commons are peace of mind, joy, fulfilment, or t the very least, a serious shift in consciousness.
Q: Dr. Dugast, are you a GP (general practitioner) ?
A: No I am not a general practitioner. My doctorate is in metaphysical science. My bio is here. I used to specialize in natural medicine (my original qualification), but quickly found out that best results were created from education-based self-healing and subconscious clearing in preparation for healing (or anything else that needs shifting for that matter, such as relationships, self-confidence, etc.)
Q: Is there anything I can do to prepare ?
A: Yes you can get Resilience with Neurobiology Reprogramming™ if you would like, as you might like to have a format you can also follow on paper (I am old fashion like that... I like paper format!) AND please DO get yourself a journal, which can be a simple copy book.
I absolutely look forward to having you on-board to creating your new health & energy plan!
With Love, Appreciation & Outrageous Belief in YOU!
Mahayana xox